Taxpayer Freedom Rally 2015



April 30th which is Tax Freedom Day in Minnesota, is the  day that Minnesota taxpayers start working for themselves after they work to pay their taxes for the year. On April 30th we’ll kick off two weeks of events geared to helping you make your voice heard at the capitol this session. 


See pictures from our kickoff event at Joseph's grill in st. Paul on Flicker!




 celebration.png Celebrate Freedom For Attending our April 30 Event +10
e-activism_badge.png  Email Activist (email your state legislators using our one click system. It's fast and easy!) CLICK HERE! +10
 phonebadge.png Phone Activist (phone legislators on issues of importance)
 socialmedia.png Social Media Activist   (tweet, Facebook, or use social media to make your opinion known on the issues.  (We will add your KLOUT score for the total number of points and divide by 10)
 capitolvisitor.png Capitol Activist  Come to the capitol to watch a hearing on important issues or to meet with your legislator +10
 capitolvisitortestifier.png Capitol Testifier Speak about the issues at a hearing per +10 committee hearing.  
 give_badge.png Give Activist Help us spread the word by donating to the Taxpayers League of Minnesota +10 (For donations between April 30th and the end of session.)
 bloggerbadge.png Blogger Do you have a blog?  +10
 radiobadge.png Radio Do you have a radio show or have you been a guest or called in to a radio show? +10
 podcasterbadge.png Podcaster Do you have a podcast? +10
 LTEwriter.png LTE Have you written a letter to the editor to a newspaper, online or print?  +10
 statefairvolunteer.png State Fair Volunteer Did you volunteer to work at the Taxpayers League Booth at the State last year or will you commit to working at the booth THIS YEAR? +10


We may also add badges from time to time as appropriate over the next few weeks...

 This virtual rally will take place from now until May 18, or when the Legislative Session is over. 

Are we no longer doing the rally at the Capitol? No, We are just taking a year off.  The capitol is one big construction zone and convenient parking is limited.  In addition, weather is always a factor.  We don't want to limit our voices to one day where other factors might play a role in attendance and participation.

A lot of effort goes into the rally not only on our part but by other groups who staff exhibit tables and help manage the crowds.  

We thought, why not come up with event that is more effective in spreading our message of lower taxes, less regulation and limited government than an event that lasts for a few hours on a Saturday in April or May. Our legislators need to hear from us from now until May 18 or when session ends. 

With the Governor and the legislature contemplating increasing the budget to $42 B, a gas tax, and a $842 Million dollar bonding bill, there is no greater need for taxpayers to make their presence known at the capitol this year.  But this year we came up with a way to make that happen without taking a Saturday away from you. 

Tax Freedom Day Event Flyer by The Taxpayers League of Minnesota
