Look for something to happen on MNLARS, the beleaguered system for licensing and registration of vehicles next week. The House and the Senate will probably pass bills and the Governor has his own ideas.
MNLARS was the subject of a lot of activity at the Legislature this week. Different proposals out of the House and Senate sit waiting to be voted off the floor. This is after a request for 10M in "emergency funding" from the agency hit with a thud the previous week.
The legislature seems primed to give Driver and Vehicle Services the money, or some portion of it, but not without additional oversight. Dayton and the DFL oppose additional oversight, complaining that it will just take more time which should be spent on correcting the flaws of the system.
The bills are HF 3147 (Torkelson) and SF
House bill as it passed out of Ways and Means on Monday
Reassigns $10M from elsewhere in the DVS budget for MNLARS. Also adds requirements for legislative oversight and a request that the Governor put in a request for an extension from the Feds on Real ID.
Senate bill as it was heard in Transportation
Reassigns $10M from the General Fund to sent to DVS for MNLARS, but stipulates that "In making reductions, the commissioner must prioritize reductions in appropriations for central agency administration and general operations, and may not reduce appropriations for client-facing health care, corrections, public safety, or mental health programs, or other services that are provided directly to members of the public. The bill was amended to include legislative oversight and held back some funds to make the appropriation $7.3M
Notes from Dayton's supplemental budget
Proposes $20.7 million on MNLARS, including $10.7 million on the system itself and $10 million to reimburse deputy registrars. Includes a $2 surcharge on tab fees to pay for completing MNLARS.